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WASCOSA Asset Intelligence Day on Thurs. 22 October 2015

Everyone is talking about it, we’re doing something about it – for intelligent freight wagons.
As Europe’s first provider of freight wagon systems, we consider it as much a privilege as a duty to showcase future-orientated overall solutions for improving freight transport by rail. At WASCOSA we are focusing completely on telematics; we gladly invite you to do the same if you would like to increase the efficiency of your railway consignments and significantly reduce the costs for rail logistics. If you have attended the WASCOSA Safety Day, one of the WASCOSA ECM seminars or last year’s WASCOSA Future Day, then you really should not miss out on the WASCOSA Asset Intelligence Day. Register today to guarantee a place and experience a complete and up-to-date overview of the benefits of applications based on telematics as well as rail solutions that have been implemented in practice.
Take the opportunity, as part of the integrated market event, to get to know numerous important providers of telematics systems from Europe and North America, which can be operated on an open and universal platform. We look forward to seeing you there!
If you register before 31.08.2015, you will benefit from an early-bird price.
Registration deadline: 24.09.2015. The number of participants is limited.
Invitation WASCOSA Asset Intelligence Day
