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Communiqués de presse

Wascosa launches its green freight car®

Wascosa is delighted to introduce its new green freight car® to the market. The green freight car® stands for the transport of environmentally friendly products. Pioneering this new way forward is the Hungarian group - East-West Gate Intermodal Terminal, EWG Rail and EGW Customs Agency (EWG). It only transports grain with the green freight car®.

What is a green freight car®?

The definition of the Wascosa green freight car® is a freight wagon that only transports non-fossil products. Wascosa’s green freight cars® have been specially designed so that they are clearly recognisable when they are transporting environmentally friendly products[1].


EWG - a pioneering customer for the green freight car®

Wascosa is proud to announce that the Hungarian group East-West Gate (EWG) is the first customer to start operating Wascosa's green freight car® . EWG operates one of the most modern intermodal terminals in Europe (transhipment of intermodal units, liquids and grain from broad gauge to standard gauge wagons) and organises rail transport using its own rail transport company, EWG Rail. EWG has committed to transporting only grain in the Wascosa® green freight car.

Figure 1: A Wascosa Green freight car in service with our customer EWG

We are grateful for the interest and support for this concept and look forward to your feedback. For further information, pictures or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

[1] Here’s a little more detail about the concept: The term "green freight car" refers exclusively to the product to be transported and not to the production itself of the grain car or the resources used during the manufacturing process.
