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WASCOSA AG: “Structure follows strategy”

Organizational changes are being made as part of the repositioning of WASCOSA AG. This is done to create the best conditions for the implementation of the new WASCOSA strategy as provider of freight wagon systems.
The management will be downsized from the current six members of staff to four.
The operations and technical department will now be merged and led by Detlef Schlickelmann, COO. This follows in line with a consistent further development of the existing ECM structure and helps making daily business more efficient.
For the successful implementation of strategically important projects, a new “strategic projects” department is created under the management of Fabian Stadler, CFO. He will be supported by former operations manager Daniel Schmid.
The finance & organization department, also under the leadership of Fabian Stadler, CFO, will be strengthened by Markus Basler as head of finance & organization.
Independent of organizational changes, there will be a change in sales staff: after several years of successful and dedicated work, Thomas Karsten, head of sales, has chosen to leave WASCOSA AG at the end of 2015. His responsibilities will temporarily be taken over by Peter Balzer, CEO and André Fässler will coordinate the sales activities.
